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Latest Projects and Works
In this section you will find all the information of the latest works and projects that EMFEC has carried out for some of its clients.

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Furniture and multimedia renting section

From our Web site it is possible to rent both the furniture and the newest and highest technologies in imaging, audio and illumination.

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 Sistema VARIO
We are partner of SERVICE OCTANORM, and partners of AIMFE and Zaragoza Office of Congresses.

Emfec Quality


Entre toda la gama de VARIO DISPLAY SYSTEM encontrará soluciones para reforzar gráficamente todo tipo de eventos, conferencias, ferias o congresos.

Es la herramienta ideal para potenciar la imagen de su empresa en todo tipo de celebraciones, demostraciones, exhibiciones, gimnasios, festivales, bancos, reuniones informativas, concesionarios, puntos de venta, show-rooms, farmacias, restaurantes, etc.

Pulsa encima para ampliar   Pulsa encima para ampliar   Pulsa encima para ampliar   Pulsa encima para ampliar   

Pulsa encima para ampliar   Pulsa encima para ampliar   Pulsa encima para ampliar   Pulsa encima para ampliar   

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Email: emfec@emfec.com   Tel.: 976.14.05.17   Fax.: 976.14.05.19
Copyright 2007, Emfec Zaragoza S.L.  -  Privacidad de datos  |  Aviso legal